2024 Championship

Divisional Champions for 2024

The following ladies have won their divisional Championships and will represent their divisions in the SVLGA Championship to be played over the Lansdowne Course, Blairgowrie in September.

Quarter finals: Sunday afternoon September 22nd 2024.
Semi finals: Monday morning September 23rd 2024
Final: Monday afternoon September 23rd 2024.

Borders        Martine Pow, SelkirkGC

Dumfriesshire  Diane Macdonald, Dumfries & County GC

East           Ann Sewell,  Longniddry GC

Galloway       Fiona Hunter, Southernness GC

Highlands      Emma Stevenson  Royal Dornoch GC

Midland        Lorna McKinlay,  Dunnikier GC

Northern       Sheena Wood,  Aberdeen Ladies GC

West           Gillian Kyle, East Renfrewshire GC